>>3554753Yeah bro women love to have the fuck beaten out of them by their thug baby daddy before he leaves them pregnant and never gives them a dime.
>Socially skilledHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah bruh muhfugga bix nood muhfugga holdin it down yo hol up shorty hol up!
>Rarely suffers from meme illnesses likeAIDS, sickle cell
>NOT EGOTISTICALWhen the entirety, I'm talking 100%, of African-American identity, culture, movies, music, etc.. is centered around "I'm da best Ima kang I get munny son fuck you I'm so great!"
I can't even take the time to destroy the rest of your faggot meme, faggot ass leaf. Light yourself on fucking fire.