>>5911503Hello anon, firstly welcome, secondly I'll pray for you on your journey and I'd like to ask all the lurking Christianons here to do the same.
I will say that the concept of God is a little overwhelming, (((they))) say that this concept can only be understood by simpletons and everyone else is too intelligent for it, but the reality is that God is infinite and we are finite in our understanding, so don't feel bad when you struggle to take in these new concepts. All of us did, and if we're still goring spiritually, we still do. Consider these words, perhaps you could file them away in your mind for when you feel worn down on this journey:
"God cannot be grasped by the mind, if he could be grasped, he would not be God"
-Evagrius of Pontus
"As the Greek Fathers insisted, "A God who is comprehensible is not God". A God, that is to say, whom we claim to understand exhaustively through the resources of our reasoning brain, turns out to be no more than an idol, fashioned in our own image. Such a "god" is most emphatically not the true and living God of the Bible and the Church. Man is made in God's image, but the reverse is not true" - The Orthodox Way
Moving on, I'll tell you what I had to do, to get started. I wanted to know God, I truly did, I felt so empty inside and alone in this world and the Christians that I knew from my old life didn't, they were always so warm towards me even as I looked upon their beliefs with contempt, I started to realize they might have discovered something that I didn't know, and I wanted to find it. (1 of 2)