>>6857949The main difference is the holy sacraments, without it you can't achieve the state of Grace and reach Salvation, protestants basically scrapped part or all of it, to appeal to a bigger public and basically believe that through faith alone you can reach salvation. Also the Bible itself which most protestants guide themselves was mostly assembled by the Catholic Church in the Concil of Nicea in the 450s
>>6857955t. lazy ass mediocre spammer
>>6857957Have you read the image? Images are a path towards God, as God created all reality and everything is a representation of him, Images, like of the Virgin Mary, are supposed to guide people towards the divine, it's the opposite of believing THEY are the divine, like pagan cultures do. If you honestly think that anything any correlation to the Divine isn't properly the divine, you are scrapping the whole reality altogether. Just the thought of thinking of a church as a Holy Place means you are false worshiping.