>>11577651what was bant wiki
was it a pathethic attempt to list all users?
that would've made it a lot esier tbdesu
imagine listing yours truly as "Shaban, the hydrator of mummies, the relaxator of anuses, a junkie with affinity for drug synthesises that speaks in long post"
I miss shizopsting
>untouchable paedosthose don't really register as merely petty offendors
almost every time you see much traffic of pizza xou usually get busts
it's like, they might close an eye for the jailbait borderline minors, but highly doubt they'd shy away from toddlerporn less they were trying to honeypot
>huggingI had a hugging dream
I can't remember when was the last time I got a hug when I wanted one
I just remember getting forced into hugs I couldn't say no to
>jerk offdo not take me lightly, I had my months of droughts, though I did break mentally awake I kept pure in the dreamworl
>facesnot really, I don't look at people's faces irl so I never dream HD faces, I just know it's them and my brain fills in the blanks
>99%it's actually 96
you'd be surprised how easy it is to fuck up and lose half of your face and bits of your brain without dying
still, ridding your brain of last spasm of neurotransmitter juice seems... meh
I just want to experience that last kick
I want semi long death
like heroin overdose
or rapid bleedout