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Josie is a sadistic and sociopathic nibbling addict. She already streamed before the show, already had discord orbiters, and was already into nibbling. She went into the show specifically to fulfill her sadistic nibbler desires, to bait as many people as possible into liking her and then to nibble them for as long as possible. The nibbler arc was actually true all along. Consider the definition of a nibbler:
>A nibbler is a girl who is a pathological serial flirt who has a sociopathic desire to gain attention from as many male counterparts as possible to fulfill some deep rooted desire. This desire/need typically stems due to the lack of a strong male influence in their lives or traumatic heart break. They have no intention to develop a relationship or make any type of commitment with the opposite sex. Any encounter should be considered a game.
All of Josie's actions are standard nibbler behavior. You could even say she's a pro nibbler. Everything she did in the show and now outside of it fits in with nibbler behavior, which is to keep people as engaged into her as possible while simultaneously making them suffer as much as possible from denial to strenghten the "bond". The appearance of harmlessness and innocence to maximally kick in people's protective instincts, the accusations of grooming (she probably wrote all the grooming posts herself) to make her seem even more helpless, the sob stories about working as a trash sorter and having ex-cons hit on her (she was likely also nibbling them and got the job to fulfill her nibbling addiction, if she even worked there as she's not actually poor), and then the partying and the drinking around wiggers and making sure they record everything and post it to their social media accounts while she herself posts little updates. It's all a part of her sociopathic and sadistic nibbler game. Open your eyes fellas, you're being nibbled to death.