>>19288621A very small percentage of women are actually worthy of receiving orgasms every time they have sex since the significant majority of modern women feel like they're just entitled to orgasms from every random dude they throw their stink box at. Take picrel for insance: This retarded whore has fucked 70 dudes(she's probably still in highschool too) yet she still believes her well worn cum chute is worthy of the attention required to make her cum. Out of 70 bodies, 5 of them had poor enough judgement to think this whore was worth more effort than simply using her as a jizz rag. This is my takeaway from these stupid whores. They throw their shit away for free and then complain when none of the barely willing participants are interested in putting their mouths on a bag of damp skin that 70 other dicks have jizzed in. Women are legitimately fucking retarded.