>>14347681yahweh is just jupiter retard
he cast out saturn and defeats him in lore
lore is that romans worshipped the chief deity of Jupiter
at the time of ancient rome this was written as iove
phonetically iove is just yahweh
written in hebrew that's YHWH
so jesus was the son of iove in latin or jupiter written in today's time or jove in church latin, cause the i turned into a j over years of latin becoming bastardized by retards who want to use slang and talk different cause lol xd cool also known as yahweh or YHWH in hebrew
so over time iove became love into jove into jupiter today
jesus was the son of LOVE or jupiter which is fatherly love or righteous justice
they changed leading i into j
so iove is jove
>Jove is an alternative name for Jupiter that has the same origin. Deyus Pater = Zeus = Jupiter = Jove, iove or yahwehsaturn vs jupiter with jupiter the good guy
so phonetically when you pronounce ancient latin iove, as in you say the literal words with your mouth vocalizing them through your throat it's yahweh, words on paper describe what people hear
so people heard the sounds iove makes which is the same exact sounds in other languages as jove in ecclesiastical times or yahweh in hebrew
iove(ancient latin) is jove(ecclesiastical latin) which is jupiter/zeus as you said
so jesus is the son of jupiter or yahweh or YHWH or zeus or IOVE or iove or JOVE
also jove is said the exact same way it's pronounced the same in ecclesiastical latin it's just written with a j
so origin of the words as we are using latin letters and latin/greek root words in this conversation, all leads back to ancient latin, iove, capitalized Iove
or jesus christ son of jupiter (JOVE, yahweh)
might really still be jupiter vs saturn the same it was 2000 years ago
>sons of satan (saturn)vs
>sons of jupiter (iove)this would mean that saturn has been in control (we're under foreign occupation by the jews) and we're waiting for jupiter to return