>>13417336>I just refuse to accept lying kikes lying kikishly.Think about it. Why would a kike lie about this? Why would a kike make up this idea that there was great support for lgbt in Japan when there wasn't? Don't you think the argument instead, would be how oppressed the LGBT community is? That there isn't enough being done to help the downtrodden faggots? WHY WOULD A SELF-SERVING KIKE SHILL THAT?
Facts you won't believe because you're more concerned about preserving your image on an anonymous board more than you are finding the truth:
1. I am Japanese
2. I am trying to help people understand that Japan has a serious problem with cultural subversion that mirrors the West in its early stages.
3. By taking your side of the argument and denying these problems exist in Japan, you are HURTING Japan by lulling people into a false sense of security that everything is fine when we should be sounding the alarm far and wide. If anyone is a shilling kike here, it's you. Think about it.