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What was your last interaction with an Indian?
I'll start
>be me, a waiter
>at work
>Pajeet comes in with 2 buddies
>they had been drinking
>they eat and nothing goes too different from the usual pajeet bs
>they finish and pay
>ask for change because pajeet is a cheap fuck
>i go to get their change
>drunk pajeet tries to follow
>loses balance
>grabs every table to try to stop himself from falling
>doesn't work, but breaks syrup bottles
>finally gravity and booze win
>falls backwards
>slams head on sharp edge of table
>slams head on ground full of syrup and glass
>friends look on as this happens, don't help even after
>ambulance arrives
>they take him away
>his buddies leave with him
>manager calls dishwasher to clean mess of blood, glass, and syrup
>mfw when i didn't have to clean it
>mfw i never gave himi his change
>mfw i got a $20 tip