>>11390039>me, a pervhah, fat chance mr J. Ohm, I don't surpress my urgess and for the time being despite the fact I'm very open about my perversions I atleast act on them and keep them vanilla atleast, hell I even kept away from fatherxdaughter and borxsis porn for quite a long time back in my youthful dsys because the idea disgusted me to the core until I realised that with the audio muted and context ignorred it's just regular porn that is often in much better quality than what I'm used to (no idea why they'd invest more in incest porn but whatever, it's all roleplay anyway)
my point is I'm not the biggest perv in this house I'm just the one with the biggest mouth, after all he was the one that gave me all those sadpanda links and that knows bit too much about the authors than I ever could
I'm as vanilla as it gets, I might be fond of loli but you're the one that's fond of ryona
in a sense the scale of perversion can be judged by how much somebody cares about what they consume
just like a snob will refuse to eat a mediocre dish a perv will refuse a kink if it's not quire by his taste, I go by with plenty if mediocrity thus I can't possibly be the perv
in other words I'm desperate- not depraved
a narcomaniac cares about the quality of his junk whereas an addict only cares that his needs are met- guess who is the more dangerous one