Why dont we construct a planet instead of looking for new earth's?
Anonymous No.5547497 View ViewReport Quoted By:
>>The nearest earth like planet (Proxima century) is over 4 lightyears away which is still over 100,000 years away from earth
>>We dont have any technology that can be devloped that can allow us to into light speed
>>going into light speed would most likely kill you
>>what if the earth like planet has life on it but isnt human aliens that we can fuck their women and instead its xenomorphs or some retarded looking squirrel pigs vampires that drink blood
>>what if the planet has no valueable resources to bring all the way back to earth?
>>earth has a 500 million year time limit before the sun kills us
I propose that we syntehsize astronomical chemicals together and construct a new organic earth with pretty much the same chemical compositions of earth that can enable life on it. We can just harvest land by gathering asteroids, the moon, comets, land from mars and other dead planets with a hard surface, and make it terrestrially stable and safe for organic life. Boom you have solved the over population issue.