selfie collection
these are all pictures from my facebook site. the women is rebecca. my only girlfriend and women i had sex with. with 20 or 21 the first time. group foto is from my graduation, the guy i look too is huseyin tepe. he was in a rothschild killswitch and he was asked to become doctor in eastern europe without the qualification to become doctor in germany. it was weird. he's the psychology genius who plays world of warcraft all the time. he played alot wow with the guy on his left. he was skilled and high intelligence too. i believe huseyin was more skilled though. don't know their elo, but they were good. the guy on the left above me is a satanic and gave our math teacher, which remembers me from my jesus days a bottle of rothschild wine while wwe were invited into a local bar of him to celebrate the graduation.
the photo where i have the bottle on me is from the graduation a year before. i didn't finish the exams but i went partying and drinking with them. i am on the graduation picture too. i'm in their year and in the following year of the graduation pictures.
the guy with the purple lights is farid. he's a known magician, cool guy, heavily attacked. i was under mindcontrol and stuttered while trying to talk to him. i nearly couldn't finish saying that i love his magic tricks and can't perceive how he did it.
there is a picture of me missing where i was drunk with a sombrero at a local carnivals party. i liked that picture, it's not on my timeline anymore.