>>11610871>anime turns boys into trans fags>posting qt3.14 anime is the causeCounter argument: it separates those who have weak amygdalas who lash out against cute things which coincides with the inability to remain resolute in argument, effectively turning /pol/ into a 90% INTJ board of autism who can see through all bullshit given to the world by the satanic elite Juice. Research Cute Aggression. Has always kept us safe and acted as a filter against the rest of the internet as well as soup agencies. The first thing they always attack is our cute anime. Japan is on our side and always has been. Research black vans. Change my mind faggot.
They've tried to hijack this with trap and tranny porn to force guys to get their dicks cut off, especially on /r9k/. /pol/ is a board of peace and always has been. if you are a trans personality reading this, do not cut your dick, we love you. There are bigger problems.
Remember, post red pills about jews and the pedophile satanic elite. bombard the boards with cute anime. It keeps those fuckers away and educates newcomers.