>>12368537Well it's sinple.
1) The speed of light, like so much "science" nonsense, was made up by the Freemasons. The value has mysteriously changed over time and is completely different in contemporary measurements today (and no, dipshits, the medium has been taken into account), often varying substantially over a short period of time in the same setting. The entire theory of relativity bullshit exists primarily to cover the gaping holes in the reasoning.
B) The Freemasons also believe in seeding strange numbers everywhere in order to work magic rituals. They may be right, it's hard to tell. They're certainly convinced that it's the case. Regardless, they're wrongheaded in their approach and goal.
iii) All they had to do was wrangle the definition of the speed of light, and the coordinate system of the "globe", so the numbers match up. That's good enough for their version of numeromancy.
The more you know.