>>10253675 >HOmo saPiEnS, tHe FIrST tRuLY FReE SPeCiES, is aBout to DEcOmMissIoN natuRAL sELEctIOn, tHe FOrCE tHAt mAdE uS. [...] EvOLuTIon, InCLUDInG GeNETic pRoGReSS iN HumAN NaTuRE aND humaN cAPAcity, Will BE frOM nOw ON IncreASINGly tHe domAIn Of sCiENCe AnD tEchNOLOgy TemPEreD BY eThICS aND poliTICAl ChOiCe. [...] SOon we MUst lOok dEep wITHIn ourSelVES and DEcIde whAt wE WISH to BEcome.