Jannies, this is politics related because you allow all the “women bad” threads to stay up.
This is for the discussion of modern feminism, the true nature of men, and female dating strategy.
r/femaledatingstrategy link:
https://old.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/Ladies, how are you coping with the quarantine? I was shocked that men are still using Tinder even though we have the convenient excuse of quarantine to avoid meeting up. It is much easier currently to promise a crumb of pussy in the distant future for them to send a Doordash delivery or buy stuff off our Amazon wishlists.
What are your best tips for locking down a big value man? How do you filter Chads for redflags, such as knowledge of the redpill and certain Internet forums, abusive behavior, cheating, too much interest in video games, etc.
What is the final solution to the pornsick male crisis?