>>20586091I looked at a few companies on my watchlist, most of them pulled 1-30% growth over the last 5 years, with WMT pulling 99% growth. It's a good stable company, though I sold out at 62 and missed a lot of those gains. Others like NVDA obviously did much better.
That said, I'm currently sitting at around $63,000 net worth, with about $33k in cash & fixed income, $18k into equities and indexes, and $9k into silver
>>20586120Couldn't tell you, but I find that when I'm picking individual stocks, I feel happier picking ones that have done share buybacks. If you look at a depressed stock and there's an increase in shares, there's a good chance they are having trouble maintaining growth and profit.
Stuff like Iron Mountain, Philip-Morris, Walmart, Takeda, all seem decent (of which I hold 3 of them), but I'm not sure of their long term growth prospects. Long term I'm happy to have exposure to copper, silver, and latin america (Mexico and South), as well as farming and energy.
>>20586105Instead of making Juneteenth a nigger holiday, it would have been much more palatable if they called it National Heritage Day or something, eg a day for everybody to celebrate their roots and ancestry, instead of just parading nigs around. UONE didn't even pop off this year, absolute bullshit.