>>3837399really hit home
Here's what to do though. You set a goal. Some grand objective. Then... you make a plan. Then, as things happen in your favor you pat yourself in the back. If they don't, you analyze why. Back to the drawing board. You end up with an improved version of the last plan... Theoretically speaking, it's possible to reach a 100% success rate this way.
Do you have something to prove? Something to fight for? Do you even know who you are? These are the things we must ask ourselves. Yeah, I'm pretty edgy, but I'd rather be a successful edgelord than a useless dullard. My goal is simply to gain strength... conquer...defend...grow strength... conquer...defend.
I'm not really the sort of guy who wants much... except for a rival. Find yourself one of those, and you'll one-up each other all the way into heaven.
see you around, partner...