Quoted By:
>me and 8/10 qtπ start drinking wine
>we finish off that bottle too
>i'm kinda dizzy
>me and qtπ cuddle and talk while the others are drinking stock and redbull
>we have a lot in common: we both like old rock music and videogames
>she tells me that she doesn't have a boyfriend
>we drink some stock
>i'm really dizzy
>there's a lot of trash
>i start picking it up
>they tell that we should leave it be
>something snaps inside me
>soviet propaganda starts coming out of my mouth
>i start giving them lectures about communism
>"capitalism is flawed"
>"we should reform yugoslavia"
>"long live marshal tito"
>it's 3am
>we split up
>on my way home i manage to fall into a fucking bush
>get to home
>go to bed
Cont .