The wiggers are too retarded to pull off Chris Hansen type sting operations. They are not equipped to do any research.
They do some due diligence at times like when they found Burt's alter ego. But other times, they are completely retarded and fall for unrelated shit.
I remember when they were trying to kick out Brandon, /ftl/ was getting spammed with stories of bald dude(dad) raping "Queen lactacia"(the kid who ordered the dress from Brandon).
Problem was the story was spammed as that this bald dude was the father of lactacia and he was caught with six other children in his truck when in reality he had no relation to lactacia at all.
He kept spamming these juxtaposed images trying to poison the well. Or he actually believed in that story. bald dude had no relation to Brandon at all but still the story was spammed here.
Also, Sam kept showing a picture on wayback machine to Binx which Binx outright refuted saying that it had no relation to Brandon at all.
When the herpesgate happened, twitter was getting spammed video by Hearttank with fake dialogues of how Binx let Lily in on the secrets of famous house 2.0. don't even if Sam showed that video or some other video during confessional because he looked like a fool when Binx refuted it again.
Even when wiggers are right, they look like fools because they put in zero effort to back that up with video evidence or rely on twitter/4chan for input.