>>19031359>Vow, vat a promo>So many losers coming into de ring vit shit like "Oh I'm gonna beat you because I have de heart and determination to vin and I'll try my best and blah blah blah">Not you doe, Masala, you really brought your A-game on de mic>So you really care about dis belt of mine, do you?>Heh, you remind me a bit of myself ven I first vent for de hardcore title>Except brown and not as good of a wrestler>But still, I like de fire you bring, and I am a voman of my vord>So I'll give you a shot to vin dis... Super Pooper Scooper Marvel Universe Championship, vhatever its fahking name isAva's smile turns larger and more twisted
>But Masala, you should know dat I still stay true to some of de vays of de ancient vikings>Like how dey vould RAPE and PILLAGE and leave a trail of DESTRUCTION and MURDER behind dem>But you should know about rape and pillage, it's how your mudder gave birt to you after all>You know, Masala, I never had a sister growing up, but sometimes I vish I did >I vish I could've had a little sister so I could bully her, beat her and make her cry>But I guess now you can fill dat role for me, in dis little match of ours>Vat did you call it, a "designated street fight"?>Vell I designate you, Masala>I designate you my next victim>Oh and by de vay, please tell Zuni I'm a big fan>De kind of vay she can breaks girls' bodies, now DAT'S domination>Pretty hardcore if you ask me