This is a LARP. Everything on here is and I'll explain why. Be cautioned however, this is going to require using logic.
People are not going to take a risk on a platform like this exposing information when the platform it self has no credibility.
People privy to information or at certain levels in society would not take a risk exposing information if there is nothing to gain. There has to be monetary incentive. There is non here, so the only information is to entertain and pass time.
Are you an expert in a field anon? Are you taking time out of your day to provide free information to ungrateful strangers?
Whenever in doubt self insert. If this was true and I was in this position, would I post on 4 chan?
We live in a world where Julian Assange is in prison. No one is going to be breaking any news here. Its a parodox. Anyone with info isnt stupid enough to be here.
This is your average poster on /pol/. Remeber this face next time you read a post.
Someone like Brian who doesn't have it together and is all alone at home with nothing to do is going to be posting here. Not someone who slowly worked their way into a position to be privy to anything of interest. abusing your wife doesn't get as many (yous) as these LARPS.