>>9965187I'm not the best person to ask but yes, there were usually no conflicts, it were mostly crazy ustaša larpers on crostian side, the big serbia supporters on their side, bosnians just being bosnians, macedonians and montenegroes doing nothing and get trashed on alchohol all day every day, couple revolts in croatia, tito sends tanks on a printing company and the problem is resolved
until the economy collapse, inflation skyrocketed, all saving, all funds gone into the fire like with any nation that prints more money, croats abusing the legal loopholes to stop getting milked by less developed states (in corrupt greed might I add), crazy gopnik serbs dropping tree logs onto the road and what kickstarted the eventual war the assasination of some police officer in a national park (or whatever the whole war was gay to learn on history class as it was mostly anti-serbian anti-communist kike propaganda)
>what is that likethink of turks on village but bootleg, yeah
kinda hard to explain, it's not like they are purely worse than croats, they tend to be just as bad when their IQ is below room temperature (in celzius) if only a wee bit more violent than croats (aside from the most vile breed of croats [albanian criats uhhhh] the Janjevci)
>ritualspuhleaze, these guys can't figure how to acivate windows 10 if their life depended on it, do you really zhink zhey can deduce occult shit has been going around in the woods when all they fo is get drunk then chop down woods and beat their wives after their tractor gets stuck in the ravine or their cart breaks for the 7th time after passing one of couple dozen creaks in vicinity
>what are you looking ata dream that will end everything.... a dream called Dimitriy