>>9869397Utter bullshit. islam has never birthed anything but hatred, indoctrination and forcing people to convert with death threats and violence. I've got a 300+ video playlist on the raw evils of islam, i must share with everyone here once I have my new account is setup. I do say death cult because that is exactly what it is and sadly my baggy-knicker wearing friend is nobody is buying your shit anymore. Every time you preach all i see is a brainwashed zealot preaching as he digs his own mass grave.
The world is vomiting you out, the "worlds fastest growing religion" is a lie, as per year on average 100,000 people join islam. That's great! Buuuuuut sadly over 300,000 muslims apostasise every year too! islam kills, it's all it knows if it can't kill and target non-muslims then it eventually turns tribal and turns on itself, because death-cult.