>>19591037>They strangled and pushed faggots under a bog so that their spirit would never escape to the next afterlife, damning them forever.Despite being faggots, not because. And this only happened on rare occasions. Rare cases of quasi gay bashing is not proof the culture was opposed to faggotry. Christian medieval Europe literally had laws saying all sodomites will be put to death.
Your cope is delicious
>The other thing you mismatched, is the law from IcelandI love how you have to cherry pick a nation that isn't even in europe kek
>that when someone accused a person to being a faggot, that person had a legal right to kill in retaliation, if they did not in any way challenge the accuser they could themselves get outlawedBecause fags were considered sissies. Male on male buttsex was never condemned though you coping faggot. Your "example" is nothing more than "don't ask don't tell" policy.
>And you forgot the 3 runestones scattered in Sweden that all end with "the one who breaks this stone will be cursed with ergi (gay)".It's hilarious how pagan culture was so primitive you have to resort to rock carvings
Again, it's just an insult to honor bc fags are usually effeminate and don't reproduce. Not a condemnation of male on male buttsex. Your cope and desperation is incredible
And don't forget: your pagan ancestors had no problem selling your family as slaves to blacks.
>Denounce the torah and the talmud.Denounce your reddit spacing first