>>13095807>it did work>jews lost billions and continue to lose billions>jews cant actually fully lose because they control the entire machine and can just hit the reset button whenever they are down which is what they did months ago at the start of the GME fiasco>huge redpill for normie traders>millions of teenagers and young white men are now actively participating in the stock/crypto market and earning enough to retire before they are 30>jews constantly seething in every business publication known to manwhile it hasnt caused the entire economy to crash like the retards on reddit originally wanted it to, it has instead massively accelerated the economic crash and redpilled millions of boomers and young men across the globe whilst giving billions of dollars to them stolen directly from jewish claws. even if most of the memes were cringe and most of the participants were a bunch of fucking faggets it still did a ton of good.
now feel free to suck my cock in rage as you try and do another captcha with your addled brain you pathetic kike.