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okay i’ve been thinking about this for awhile, as related to the elder scrolls at least.
orcs - obviously black people. can’t read well, low intelligence, prone to violence, masculine women
khajit - asians. sneaky, addicted to “moon sugar” ie. opium
argonians - hispanics. they have never been able to get black marsh up to first world living consitions, no matter how much money and subsidies the empire throws at them. they will live in filth happily forever
bretons - british, obviously, as they are a small statured, squishy, whiny people.
imperials - americans. the empire took what it wanted by force, forcing its way of life on all of tamriel
redguards - arabs. strong warriors, gifted with swords
i haven’t nailed down dunmer or altmer yet but bosmer may be jews.