>>19984639The appearance of the Gnostic Demiurge comes from Mithraic Arimanius. Mithraism was an Eastern Mystery religion popular among the Roman Empire Army during the rise of Christianity which was introduced to Rome by the Silician Pirates. Mithras comes from the Vedic god Mitra, who was part of the dual god Varuna-Mitra, Varuna was called Asura Medhira and then Ahura-Mazda, while Mitra was separated between Mithra and Ahriman, who was the evil twin brother of Ahura-Mazda, both are sons of Zurvan.
It's probably that the Mithraic cult was an underground Magi cult worshiping Ahriman. Ahriman killed the prime bull Gavaevodata and the most famous image of Mithras is him killing a bull, the seven degrees of initiation may have represented the 7 archons/planets underneath the Chief Archon, Yahweh/Yaldabaoth. Many Mithraeums had statues of lion-faced man-serpents, very likely representing the Chief Archon, and in fact at least one was recovered with an inscription identifying the figure as Ahriman, who is also called Angra Mainyu.
Zoroastrians derived from their predecessors the Magi, but they absolutely hated the Magi. In fact they even had a holiday called Magophania where you could kill any Magi you meet. This was because the Zoroastrians only worshipped the good principle, Ahura Mazda, the Iranic version of God, while the Magi before them also worshiped the evil principle, Ahriman, the Iranic Satan, and his Devas, and justified this saying that he is the eldest son of Zurvan wuo created the material world. Direct descendants of the real Magi today are the Yezidi, they are devil-worshippers (the peacock angel Melek Taus, also known as Azazil).
https://archive.org/details/FromTheAshesOfAngelsTheForbiddenLegacyOfAFallenRaceByAndrewCollinshttps://libgen.rs/book/index.php?md5=A9778F39F2F604682F83C91039641356https://youtu.be/lkmNO0-0SNM?si=UJzkzTTDsYnLwbnA https://youtu.be/fPL8K3HgnuM?si=KEilx12AFQlIki5a https://youtu.be/h43-LZR_Bhg?si=9Eg_aVeMzgt6xZQS