>>19771289>Your women have witch nosesWrong. Serbia is known for having the most beautiful women.
>your houses smell on dog shitWrong. Serbs don't keep their pets inside, it's a westoid thing.
>you have swarthy complexionWrong. I'm whiter than you and I don't even claim to be (((white))).
>insecureWrong. Serbs are one of the bravest people in the world, we stood up and defeated every occupier we had, from Byzantine, Bulgarian empire and Ottomans, to Austro-Hungary and the Second and Third German reichs. If anything, you should look at us as an example of how you should fight for your freedom, never bend your knee before the invaders, and never change your culture or religion because of them. Oh wait, you can't, it's in your genes, nevermind haha!
>defensive and spiteful tendenciesIt's true that we've only had defensive wars, but how is that bad? Ah nvm, you are a kike.
>capitalism>average salary 500 eur per monthThese are both products of the (((West))) forcing their influence upon us.
>hoes cost 120-150 euros while in every other city from some central european shithole has better looking prostitutes and for twice amount of money.Why are you paying for whores?