The 9 in numerology is material completion (In base 10 0 is the first number and 9 the last), Satanism is the worship of the self and the material.
10 is the number of Gods law (like the 10 commendments which you should uphold to live for more than the material world)
11 then symbolizes the transgrassion of Gods law, "going beyond" it, breaking it.
The Pentagon that was destroyed likely was meant to symbolize the destruction of the spirit (Like in alchemy the 5th element is the spirit symbolized by a pentagram with the spirit being the element on top, or in the bible life gets created on the 5th day bringing spirit into this world.)
Also when you write 9/11 in the roman numbers you also get the infamous Black Cube Symbolism (pic related) which you also see represented at the 9/11 monument in form of a Black cube led into the ground
>>5522047yes,but still it was planned to come crashing down on that very day from before they were build, As I said, all the other stuff are also legit things that happened because of this, likely due to the ritual working even, but were just side effects. The main purpose of the towers was the ritual