>>19023050>>19023063>[Omega and Onigiri arrive at the apartment. It's nice and surprisingly clean, considering what Omega had heard of the Villa back in Spaghetti Town. Maybe those things she'd heard second-hand about the Imp were untrue after all, and it was the suck-up frog's doing all alone.]A voice from inside, though the words confuse Omega. Before she can process, someone comes running -- fleeing, as it were -- from a back room, and lands at her feet. Jesus, what the fuck was this Sunlight Bear, and how did it scare someone here with a knife so thoroughly? Omega listens to Onigiri's brief explanation. Her overly-familiar tone is grinding.
"Who the fuck is this kid? Put that shit away before you hurt yourself. Yeah, I know Shiro better than I'd like. Doesn't surprise me she never got the big one. But times change, and who knows, she might STILL RESPECT HER ELDERS YET."
>[How about you let loose.]Omega removes her jacket, letting it slump to the floor and begins a small hop in place. She slowly builds momentum, letting her arms swing and get loose. She suddenly stops, takes a deep breath, and assumes a fighting stance, staring this newcomer directly in the eyes...
... and then simply saunters past the girl, heading towards the kitchen.
"I don't fight for free, Imp. You take the trash out, I'm making lunch."
"Oi, where are my glasses? DID YOU LEAVE THEM AT THE FUCKING FOX HOLE?"