>>4871589>BLACKS are stronger than wh*TesNope, Africans just came to build six-packs, European men normally have a bit of fat over their muscles in order to be able to survive the winter.
The media managed to push the six-pack as ideal look for men, even though this is onlytrue for very sunny areas, even though Alexander the Great even said that he rejected the Olympics, because the athletes would ruin their beatiful bodies by over-training like mad.
We need to be strong and durable and survive in cold areas, moving through rough terrain, climbing mountains and swimmig through rivers, the Niggers need to be fast and run through the savannah and the jungle, for which they are suited.
That's why the fastest runners are skinny Africans on flat, elastic ground.
They may have more speed and longer legs, but any European will outrun any African in a cold forest, he will have better vision, will suffer less from the climate and is more suited to movement in that terrain, he can jump over fallen trees, fox holes, crouch through some bushes, run over a hill and in general achieve more than an African while using less energy.
>>4871569It depends on what white men do.
It is our duty to breed and protect them, Francois, if you and I do not do that, Tyrone will.
It's natural selection, survival of the fittest and prevailence of the strong, which the Balcks will enjoy if we don't stop them.
You're the Captain.