close out tonight with our main event, for the WWA Hardcore Championship. Having defeated champion Ava Mortis at the last non-B1 WWA show, Pizza Girl's Hardcore Title reign is as fresh as the pizzas from Pizza Princess, but already she is encountering grief and turmoil as Nikki Kade, calling herself Coco and with a new and eccentric edge to her appearance, has made her hardcore ambitions known in brutal and sadistic fashion. Coco, as Nikki Kade is calling herself for unexplained reasons, recently ransacked a Pizza Princess restaurant, terrorizing customers, and brutally attacked an employee there, badly burning her face in a pizza oven - an employee who turned out to be the sister of the WWA Hardcore Champion herself. The high-spirited days of the Hardcore Lovers' Special are now behind us, with Pizza Girl out for grim revenge against the cruel and brutal persona of Coco, in the form of Nikki Kade. Anything goes in this match, meaning that weapons can and most assuredly will be used, and a brutal bloodbath is expected! Will Pizza Girl claim a measure of vengeance for her sister, or will Coco claim the WWA Hardcore Title?