Walter Camp, the "father of American football" who invented the line of scrimmage and the systems of downs, was a member of Skull and Bones. This might seem trivial to many, but sports is a very important mechanism of social and cultural control of men, especially young men. I've made a thread specifically about sports in the past in regards to how it relates to the NWO system we live; as far as the elite bloodlines that own teams, the sports league directors and owners that are members of globalist organizations like the CFR, etc. It's definitely something to keep in mind.
“Walter Camp — Class of 1880
Known as the "father of American football," Camp, with other classmates, developed the game from the Brits' version of rugby. He played in the first rugby game at Yale against Harvard in 1876.
Camp created many of modern football's rules, such as assessment of points and limiting the field-team to 11 men per side. But most importantly, he brought organization and esteem to the game, serving on the rules committee until his death.
Camp also established the National College Athletic Association, still operating today. During World War I, most of the armed forces conditioned using his tactics.”