>>14647639Threadly reminder that white women are traitors and cannot be trusted. Whom is it, always at the front line of some subversive movement seeking to undermine white men and their nations? A white woman with her fist up… Whom is it, always at some BLM protest talking about making niggers more powerful, while being irredeemable mudsharks? A white woman with her fist up… Whom is it, always wanting to “bring down the patriarchy”, effeminize your sons, whore out your daughters, and leave you with nothing? White women with their fists up…
Never take women serious, especially the subversive pig that is the white woman. The 21 century white woman was given the world, on the backs of white male inventors, researchers, soldiers, leaders, kings, thinkers, preachers, farmers, workers, under God. And what did she do with it? What did she do with all this power that she could only have received from the Bible believing, hard working white man, under God? Did she improve it? Did she preserve it? Did she even THANK you for it? No… She took it and within a few generations absolutely sucked it dry from any soul, masculinity, or true faith. And the worst part is, she did it with pride. Never has there been a group given so much, been so blessed, had it so easy, yet were so unthankful, so traitorous, and demanded so much more…
White women cannot be trusted, they always do what gives them the most validation and resources without any regard for faith, family, or nation. Some men will claim this is somehow “smart” because they are maximizing their “sexual market value”. But is it really smart to be a traitor to your own family and nation so that you can get a guy you don’t deserve? Is it really worth to destroy thousands of years of faith and tradition in order to be a whore and live your days in temporary vain pleasure? If you think so, you are also a traitor. And if you still believe in women’s rights or equality rhetoric, you are a traitor.