>>9929178I'm sick of him and his liberal agenda.
>leaders of uk and us are muh right wing windbags>hurr durr, every decision they make is wrong, all they care about is money Talk about fucking unoriginal. Same schtick in every disaster movie since Jaws. And then they have the US President ACTUALLY invite a retard on stage to pray the virus away, as if ANYONE is that stupid these days. Hollywood kikes just can't resist bashing Christianity.
I want the original writer back. I don't know if the writers even REMEMBER at this stage, but in the original canon, the virus was caused by lying Chinese commies. It was a far more realistic scenario than the shit happening in recent episodes. Now they're trying to retcon the virus even coming from China and the Chinese are suddenly the heroes (more Hollywood pandering to the Chinese market).
I swear, if this virus gets defeated by the power of friendship or some bullcrap, I'm dropping this shitty series. It peaked in 2016, when the writers just said fuck it and did crazy thing after crazy thing. This arc is boring as hell.