>>9910969>interestingno, nononononono, you really think checking how many amps pass through 0.1, 0.2, 0.5,1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 molar solutions of copper (II) sulphate when you apply to them 10 volts; then graphing all that with pointless logarythms and whatever to get a stupid graph that looks more or less the same every fucking time???
>former categoryet two brute? both categories are the same category (depression caused by a known aberation); the unknown causes are strictly in the lines of neuron misfires, hormone sensitivity/insensitivity, fast depletion of dopamine/serotonin etc etc, frankly I haven't gone as far in my research to know the exact mechanics of depressions
>IOHMthough I would preffer to be called Abdul Yaheer Mithli Aljins, as that was the name Allah revealed himself to me, though I am fine with Marko
how about Patcoul, as Patchouli is quite a feminine name and unless you're a qt trap with cute boipucci I find that nickname unsuiting
though that does leave out Astral Buddy nicknameless
>bury them in the woodsI want to bury my excalibur in their garden and whover gets to pull me out will be crowned a king how deep I want to bury myself in them
>he doesn't watch the volleyballfootball, truly a sport for homosecksual, but volleyball (female) truly has an exquisite amount of balls bouncing
>peppermintI have to admit, theres very few thing that trump some Mentha x piperita infusion, especially if it was spiced with Stevia rebaudiana and inulin straight from Cichorium intybus... or Taraxacum officinale... or really any aster as practicly all of them have inulin int their roots
though I do hope to purchase claymore teapots, a thermos decorated either by sakura or magnolia, and of course some of that good fermented shit from Darjeeling, if I ever see employment that is