>>17271322Are you 21? The simple answer is, is that someone you wish to buy for the rest of your life? Yes, in finances. And with that, do you want to buy her? Five years is a lot. I'd be thinking about marriage or bust. I'm glad you came here. Take a shot and think things over. Only the old parts of me wished that I stayed with a girl I was comfortable with. I'm new now. Anyways...
>>17271324That hurts, anon. And I've done that. Don't get hung up on memories. They are hard to let go of. That's why there are a lot of us here. Set your mind to not get hung up on those things. When you become conscious that that sets you off, you get a little more power back. Just acknowledge to her that you are sorry that you left. You're not a bitch for saying that, and she'll know your sincere and go from that.