>>69064959/11 was twenty fucking years ago. nobody even gives half a shit anymore, however it was achieved: terrorists, fly-by wire, staging, demo charges, missile doesn't matter the geopolitical context does.
1. PNAC had a plan if there was a large scale domestic terror attack to pivot the US south from eastern europe into the middle east.
2. Netanyahu was an intelligence analyst who'd written extensively on the ramifications of an attack like this.
3. There were a large number of talking heads available on short notice to spin a careful narrative.
4. The justifications for the invasions of iraq and afghanistan were pretty spotty (smoking gun nuclear cloud wtf?)
5. It was used to justify bullshit like the patriot act and PRISM which has not made us safer, just more paranoid and less free.
But it's easy to get fixated on simple engineering problems like Newtonian motion and energy conservation in free fall.