>>6091118So I feel like I have a pretty good handle on alot of areas in my life such as work, money, fitness,friends.
But in the women department I really seem to fall into the pattern of finding that one great chick (or so I think at the time), and making her my shot of dopamine every time I see and talk to her. Also I am more comfortable around chicks who already have boyfriends because I just figure I'm not dating them. A few chick I dated before had a bf when we first met and they ended up breaking up.
Recently one chick who went to my gym (who had a long distance bf I never met) moved just far enough away that she is kind of in my area but too far to really go to my gym anymore.
She was really a qt and quite fun to talk to but obviously I expected she would turn down any offer to hang out outside the gym and I never asked.
How should I go about getting over the fantasy of a possible relationship with her and other chicks in general? Should I send her a message that I would be down to chill if she ever is single?