>>6425569Thanks, i've read your threads before, you do good work. I remember when I first saw that Dewey meme then the pizza video, it made me so sad.
I don't know if you'd be interested, there was a German guy named Joseph von Hammer-Purgsfall, he wrote the Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum, research into what the templars were up to and other occult stuff, it's where Eliphas Levi got the inspiration for drawing the Baphomet as a tranny goat creature. The images in it are really something, if you're into this stuff it's a wealth of knowledge
full text-
https://archive.org/stream/MysteriumBaphometisRevelatumENG/Mysterium%20Baphometis%20Revelatum%20%5BENG%5D_djvu.txtIgnore the new age and sensationalist crap, look at the images-
https://web.archive.org/web/20180724190818/http://occultcenter.com/2010/08/mysterium-baphometis-revelatum-pdf/If you're still interested, Tracy Twyman does some incredible research on like topics and gives a quick rundown on what it's all about , she helped translate it from latin. She comes off as a little crazy but if you follow her work she's incredible