>>2315717>I want actual advice, not your meaningless Norman platitudes.>>2315766>I'm a virgin, no friends, no skills, no work experience, no drivers license, didn't graduate highschool>>2315817>I want to be well rounded in many areas (well read on at least several subjects, near my maximum physical potential of fitness, $5million usd networth by 40 and a good speaker who can also lead people)>>2315823>I live in Ontario>>2315888>I looked into GED but it's as good as useless in Canada>>2315967>I can find a wagecuck job but not any decent one>That idea was interesting to me because it seems easier than working>>2316017>I only smoke weed>I think developed psuedoADHD from 4chan>Like I cant read for more than 15 minutes>>2316067>I have to read 100 old books and understand them, then I need to have a top tier 100m, then competitive powerlifting total and also be good at 3 sports>I cant speak multiple languages or have a perfect physique.Good lord, just end your miserable existence already