>>3502733As I was saying, THE DARKEST HOUR OF /bant/.
Though Cirno had remained a part of /bant/'s identity since it's beginning, not all agreed with her prominence as /bant/'s main symbol. Among both the /int/posters who posted the frog known as Apu that didn't agree with her anti-frog policies and then still had support among the general public, she and her users were seen as arrogant. Nevertheless, not wanting to be associated with the cancer that is Kekistan, they kept largely seperate from the issue for now.
Among the waifufags, they saw Cirno as an obstacle: Some wanted THEIR anime girl to be the face of /bant/, and none were more jealous than the one who posted Kagari, a toothpaste who had their beginnings in /qa/. They were jealous at the fact that Cirno could have a dozen threads up featuring her face at once and users could post nothing but Cirno in a thread without retribution while they and other lesser waifus were persecuted for "avatarfagging", being banned by the moderation without warning.
The first few days of July went routine as Duke Nukem claimed digits ending in "1776" in commemoration of America's foundation, prompting recognition by the mods and much win as well as making Dukeposting itself a permenant fixture of the board. However, shortly afterward the toothpaste who would post Kagari snapped. In a fit of rage, they used their "rotating IP" in order to spam the board with Cirno in a false-flag attack. This attracted the ire of the Apuposters who spammed themselves, leading to then the largest conflict on /bant/ and one of the first to require mod intervention to clean. Hurt feelings abounded on both sides, but this would only be the first of Kagarifag's devious maccinations.
/bant/ was weakened as a community, and the lack of unified agreement allowed crossboarders to spill in with increased frequency, among them the dreaded frogposters of /pol/ and /r9k/. Rare would be the days were the board was free of their shitposts.