>[With so many people around and talking and moving, LILLITH struggles to keep up conversation. She's more than happy that people are here, but truthfully, all this activity is like a double-edged sword. Someone told LILLITH once that she used to have a sword, but LILLITh doesn’t remember that at all. Everything LILLITH does, she does with her bare hands. She'd cook with them, of the 'Occupational Health and Safety Standards' would let her, whatever that even means.]>>18905698'HORSE GIRL WANT SOUP? THEN... LILLITH MAKE SOUP. BROTH FOR FUN AND GRASS FOR VEGETABLE. MAKE HORSE GIRL BIG AND STRONG."
>>18905794>[LILLITH thinks over this request. Her eyes narrow. LILITH still isn't entirely sure what a pang wing is, but Rice Girl is now the fifth or so to talk about their power in battle. LILLITH can't help but be intrigued.]"RICE GIRL. Lillith like you horns. BUT LILLITH MAKE FOOD AND THEN... LILLITH FIGHT PANG WING."
>>18906939>[Thankfully, Andi has done most of the prep work. LILLITH will fight a pang wing, but she doesn’t want to eat one. Animals, and even the half animal wrestlers are too nice to LILLITH. DOG, Crog Girl, Horse Girl -- well, except the Cat Girls. But LILLITH has not seen them for a while.]>>18908517>>18908522>[LILLITH takes one glance at the pizza -- pepperoni, ham, beef -- and turns back to the kitchen. It is time. The... "soup" is ready.]