>>10336869Getting to spiritual truth is important in these times:
These principles/themes may characterize the awakening process of each enlightened citizen, and thereby the society as a whole (as above, so below).
>"Thou Art That." You are a holofractal representation of the whole, the One. You are an eternal being tightly interconnected with the rest of the universe.>We are all living mythological arcs. From the persecution to Jesus to Jason and the attainment of Golden Fleece, the stories of humanity permeate all of us and guide our lives from on high.>A balancing of male/female energies. Slaying the ego can also be seen as the opening of the “third eye” or ajna chakra – the Shiva/Shakti energies then reside in the heart center in their merged, primordial state as the Ardhanarishvara.>A reconciliation with the shadow. During awakening, one should expect to engage with many negative/evil aspects of yourself and society as a whole. This is known as the "dark night of the soul". This may be construed as a confrontation with evil.>Synchronicities. They serve as guideposts for your personal "arc" or your "infinity narrative">Spiritual Alchemy. Everyone can turn a leaden soul into spiritual gold by undergoing the hero's journey, reconciling the above aspects within yourself and finding peace within and true love without.>A recognition of the fundamental loving interplay between male Christ Consciousness and female Wisdom (Sophia).>Living simply with a dedication to a craft alongside a loving family within a strong, local community is key to sustained happiness>Planet Earth needs to heal> Each religion contains a piece of the spiritual tapestry. >It's about unlearning as much as it's about learning. Getting comfortable with paradox is important.>Untangling yourself from negative karmic webs is tough, but worth it>Ask to help as much as you ask for help