>>16896661>some parasites survive?Yes. Black fleas and bedbugs will both use and breed within the intestines of both humans and animals and this is one of the reasons that they are so difficult to get rid of, together with the copious chinese-whispers of pure misinformation on the internet repeated by vets and doctors. Basically the asshole is a hotel for such arthropods to live and multiply within.
This is denied by ‘experts’ who’s expertise comes by simply googling misinfo in a ten second take from the internet.
Worming remedies will not kill arthropods.
Flushing out the system can be the only hope, not eating. Animals may have to be destroyed at that point.
>why the disinfoKlaus ‘anal’ Schwab was in msm gloating over having nanobots which are obviously based on the bubonic black flea. Once introduced to the human digestive system they reproduce inside the gut lining just as fleas and bedbugs will do. So it seems that the lack of availability of studies on what are the apex of the food chain - parasites - msy have something to do with weapons development hogging the data.