>>10043943>"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."It is not the active act of "being rich" that is evil. Rich people are the ones who have the greatest capacity to move life forward and help the most people in their communities.
The issue with being rich is how it corrupts people. They fall into greed, greed to lust, lust to domination, etc. Money is the root of all evil, but it is not itself inherently bad. Jesus is reminding us to not be BLINDED by the dollar. That means taking the Sabbath off. That means helping a sick child over being ten minutes early to work. That means raising wages and not bussing in millions of third worlders to work for dirt. It means not being afraid to give back to the community or one's church. It means not falling into censorship over fear of losing advertisers There are 1000000 things more important than your wallet or your bottom line. And it's an extremely hard thing to avoid falling into.
With great power comes great responsibility. Only a truly great man can survive the corruptive effects of cash, the bottomless pit of "affordable" sins. Only he can walk the tightrope, go through the eye of the needle, avoid the great temptation that comes with wealth, the will of Satan tuckered away and stored in a box.