>At the WWA Arena.https://youtu.be/mX1xyxWkmw0The lights at the auditorium switched from the company plastic pink to mustard yellow. Under the brass sound of the trumpets, La Jefa came out from the stage and walked towards the ring. She seemed to be in a better-than-usual mood.
>Where in the world was La Jefa?>That was the question on some people's minds.>How come Raquel could leave Spaghetti Town in times like these?>Well, you see, I went to my Mexico Lindo y querido, to see my familia and make sure some contracts were executed.>Some of you may have forgotten, but I'm a woman of business after all.>Now these investments were not without trade-offs.>I come back to town and find out my dear amigas Sheila and Misquita are still unemployed.>And I don't even know where they are.>I come back to town, and despite my efforts to contact her the green-eyed woman in white only seems to appear when I´m not there.>I come back to town, and find out that stupid bloated pumpkin Casandra has decided to opt out of our previous agreement. She no longer buys my product, but it does not end there>I come back to town and find out that the woman who killed my men has been spotted at Club Xtacy. And not only that, she was in talks with the fucking Irish.>You want a second beating Casandra!? I heard you have recruited some groupies as you can't finish by yourself the shit you start. If you think that a group of whores will protect you, you are wrong.>Once I find this white-haired personal hoe of yours. I'm gonna partir la madre to that traffic light eyes puta. And I will priority mail to you that stupid tongue she can´t keep inside her mouth.>And believe it or not, dear WWA audience that is not the worst.>I come back to town and the Shogun curse is still polluting the place like a plague.>Some shows ago, I told you, I will drag you to hell, so you can see the former champion with your own eyes again.1/3