>>21519164People in these threads are always so retarded...
A woman is ANY human female that doesn't have a Y chromosome present in their DNA (this includes intersex mutations).
A man is ANY human male that does have a Y chromosome present in their DNA (this includes intersex mutations).
>BuT wHaT aBoUt StErIlE PeOpLe!?!?They're still male or female, retard. Whether you're male or female is determined by your DNA, not your genitals, or ability to reproduce.
>BuT mAn AnD WoMaN iS jUsT a SoCiAl CoNsTrUcT!!!!If man and woman are just feelings people act on then there is no point in even having a distinction. They are just personality traits, and personality traits can change every day.
"Feeling" like a woman and crossdressing doesn't change your DNA. Mutilating your genitals doesn't change your DNA.