>>21843371>If you are still single but care about society and saving white people then you will need to settle. Find a woman, marry her, and have kids. That is not only a social obligation but the whole point of existence.Fuck no! I ain't settling with no fat woman... yet that is.. I ain't that desperate now. I've got at least 10 years or so before I have to be THAT desperate and by then I would have already went to like asia and pickuped some skinny 25 year old or something.
Yes, I would rather bleach another race and give them a white traditional upbringing with white culture and pride! Because they will marry WHITE and that will keep the bloodline at least white with some mix. Some mix is ok if it can benefit in the long run. You know what, That's my cope at the moment being 35 with no family.
From my point of view, I work out a lot. I have money, I have everything in life - Why should I saddle with a fat cow which haven't worked for shit in her life? With fat cows also comes a horrible personality - because they... Being a fat cow is often the result of mental illness, being a shitty person with no self-control or whatever. She can have the best personality there is being nice - but if she stuffs her face with cakes and begins to cry when you point it out and gets into some kind of fight over it - fuck that shit! I have had too many women before I had to fight for them to have some fucking self-control no matter if it's alcohol, drugs, being fat in general or whatever bullshit comes out of women with no self control.
I am tried my friend. I am tired of it all and It would be SO EASY to find a woman outside of my race now with the internet. But I am thinking to myself, do I really need to do it? Is there NO hope for a white woman? At least I have to try! The asian/east european wife thing is going to my second option, and settling with a fat white woman is my like last option and line of defense. That's going to be something just to have an offspring.